First post (Tech)!

p4 environment shot

So this is the first post.

First, let me lay down some fundamental information.

I'm developing this game project on one device primarily. That means I have no real idea how well or poorly it would run on lower-than-mine end PCs.

Despite that, I really try to be conscious about performance and I try hard to optimize behavior within the game to not be overly complicated and use too many resources. I use the built-in Unity profiler to try to analyze performance every so often, but mostly I go with "my gut" and previous experience on the matter.

There's some rather tech-heavy topics I can get into in the following days and weeks just to round up what I've done so far and what I hope to accomplish eventually.

So far though:
* I've worked through most of the AI that I want to include in this game demo. There's a few types of behaviors which cover some more advanced ideas, such as squad commands (loosely put, they have an interface for communication and giving and receiving orders) and there's some environment awareness going on that helps realize some AI behavior. One of the more fantastical behaviors is one specific enemy who will bullrush through weaker walls if it has to, to intercept the player.

* I've built a Bézier spline based locomotive system with pseudo equidistant point distribution so that there's a sort of smooth way for, say, a train to roll around, but to keep it consistent still. The problems and solutions can be covered in that topic.

* I've created a simplified version of wall destruction, as seen in the game Rainbow Six: Siege. Based loosely on their white paper on the topic, but vastly simplified because I only want the impact, not the gameplay feature that it enables. (Plus it's pretty hard to implement it like they did, especially in an engine like Unity)

* I've worked some with making audio design that's more than just a attenuated sound in space. Trying to get some convolution reverb sound stuff in, but faking it, because doing actual convolution reverb realtime is A) expensive and B) hard. See this tweet of mine for a taste.

* I'd love to talk about the soundtrack I'm writing as well, but I'm not sure if that fits any of the quantized options for these devlogs, I don't wanna do something that's not relevant here. But I suppose it could fall under the umbrella of "tech" since it pertains to the development of the project and its entirety.

We'll see what I'll tackle first. I'll try to include as much graphics as possible for when I show stuff, I know just plain text isn't funny or remotely telling about the actual situation. I'll also try to include videos when applicable, but 90% of the level is unfinished and at most  gray boxes. One corner is this coniferous sun-blasted cracked mudscape which is featured in most of the pictures.

See you around!

- Pete

Get "P4" (Untitled game)

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